Web Sales Analysis The Need To Know
You know what they say?.’traffic is vanity conversions are sanity’.
Well..they’re right.
You can have all the traffic in the world but if you aren’t turning visitors into cash generating clientswhat’s the point?
Online Marketing is NOT a numbers game
It’s a conversion game.
Are you frustrated that your site is getting the visitor numbers but somehow failing to turn them into paying customers?
Scratching your head, wondering why you’re not winning the business?
Well the answers are all there. In your online marketing strategy. In your website. Some may be obvious and other sure to be buried deep. Getting to them though, achieving the insight that will help turn your visitors into profits is ALL about asking the right questions.
At Keyword Marketing we know exactly what to ask of your online marketing. We also know how to ask it.
We’ll tell you all about your:
- Sales funnel Are you attracting the right kind of audience to your site? How?
- Customer journeys Are they logical? Are they compelling?
- Site structure What technical aspects to your marketing might be causing problems?
- Navigation Is it simple and intuitive?
- Usability Is your site a pleasant experience?
- Calls to action Are you clear in what you want your visitors to do?
- Keyword analysis Are you talking in a language that your target audience can respond to?
- Competitor analysis Best practices elsewhere? What else can you see that works?
We’ll give you our detailed analysis in the form of a clear, concise, plain English report.
Only when you have a crystal clear understanding of exactly what works and what doesn’t can you put the measures in place to strengthen the weaknesses and to strengthen the strengths.
Contact us now on 01902 710 646 for more information on how we can help turn your visitors into happy, loyal and profitable repeat customers.